The Revolution of Islamic Clothing for Women

Being a modest religion, Islam defined the clothing of men and women very precisely. It has guidelines for people from clothes to food habits and how it has been exemplified that people feel great to abide by the guidelines. For guidance, Islam has two sources – Hadith and Quran. The guidelines have a complete code of conduct which influences every bit of Islamic people's life. It is many a way different from the other religions in terms of the guidelines, and women's clothing is one of the most notable ones among them. With the revolution, Muslim women clothing has undergone a complete change. There is no exception for Islamic women. Islamic women wear modern clothes, but without ignoring the guidelines mentioned. 



The burkini swimsuit or burqini is the modern swimwear of Islamic women, which they prefer to wear excellently. Beautiful bathing suits are also available for Islamic women who are comfortable and stylish as well. You will have several variants in this category. But, what burkini swimsuit is? Well, it is a combination of a bikini and burqa. The Islamic swimsuit or bath suits are fashionable and stylish, covering the entire body apart from your face, hands, and feet. Keeping the view of modesty, the swimsuits are designed especially for them. 



Hijabs are traditional veils for Muslim women to cover their heads and neck in front of adult males. It also confirms a certain standard of modesty. It is also referred to as seclude women from men in public and denote the metaphysical dimension that separates from God or man. Hijab is a symbol of Muslim privacy and modesty in front of men. On the other hand, Burka is also one type of veil similar to the hijab, but it covers the face and leaves the eyes uncovered. It is used as an envelope on other dresses to cover the entire body. The burka designs have also undergone a lot of changes in years though the modesty remains the same. 


Wearing a Maxi dress is a dream of many Muslim women for a better look. Muslim women emphasize a maxi dress for excellently maintaining modesty. Islamic Maxi dress preserves modesty, excellent appearance, and style, which create an impression. Women often combine the maxi dress with burqa to create a perfect amalgamation of fashion and modesty. The hijab is often used separately to cover the head and neck parts.

Samir Nair

Hi Guys! I am Sooraj. I have done Bsc (Computer Science). I love to do blogging in Fashion. Apart from blogging, I love to do workout, watch movies & series and love to chill in the house.

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